Unfortunately not all treatments are for everyone. Please check our contraindications list to make sure you avoid disappointment.
Scar tissue (6 months minor operation, 2 years major operation)
Areas where topical Roaccutane has been used
Undiagnosed lumps and bumps
Heat rash
Recent fractures (3 months)
Laser ResurfacingÂ
Medium or deep skin peels
Wait 24 hours after taking Retin A/Retinova
Laser hair removal (wait 1 week)
Oral Roaccutane Medication
Oral Blood Thinners
Contagious diseases (Impetigo, Scabies, Chicken Pox, Mumps)
Under the Influence of (alcohol, drugs, prescribed pain medication)
Hypersensitive Skin
Loss of Skin Sensation
Vascular Skin
Irritated Skin/Sunburn/Broken Skin
Skin Cancer/Chemotherapy
Vascular Legions/Rosacea
Two days prior to treatment, discontinue using all alpha hydroxy acid products (those containing glycolic or lactic acid), salicylic acid products, retinoids (Retin A, Renova, Differin and Tazorac) and other topical acne medications such as benzoyl peroxide. If in doubt about using any product, please seek medical advice.
The following procedures should not be performed for a minimum of 7 days before microdermabrasion:
Laser treatments (any kind)
Injections (Collagen & BOTOX)
Chemical peels (any kind)
NOTE: If you have a history of herpes simplex virus (cold sores or fever blisters), in rare instances a reactivation of this condition could occur after treatment. Please inform your nurse or physician so that an anti-viral medication can be prescribed before the treatment.
Experiencing initial dryness, flaking, and a feeling of a mild sunburn is a normal result of the procedure. This is a sign your skin is repairing itself.
Cleanse and moisturise your skin twice daily. Use non-active products that help to nurture the skin (PLEASE ASK your therapist for advice).Â
Do not use any alpha hydroxy acid products (those containing glycolic or lactic acid), salicylic acid products, retinoids (Retin A, Renova, Differin and Tazorac) and other topical acne medications such as benzoyl peroxide for 72 hours after the treatment.
Do not directly expose the treated area to the sun for at least 48 hours after the treatment. Use a sunscreen every day that blocks both UVA and UVB rays, preferably one containing zinc or titanium dioxide, which should not irritate the skin.
Exercise that causes excessive sweating for 48 hours.
The following procedures should not be performed for a minimum of 7 days after microdermabrasion:
Scrubs or exfoliants
Injections (Collagen & BOTOX)
Laser treatments (any kind)
Facials or masks
Chemical peels (any kind)
Your skin works hard to keep you healthy, and you can return the favour by looking after it.
Top Tips
Use an SPF. Sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) rays, which are the main cause of skin ageing and can cause skin cancer.Â
Stop smoking. Smoking is one of the main environmental factors in premature skin ageing by breaking down and preventing the production of new collagen. Smoking also causes the tiny blood vessels in the skin to constrict, reducing the supply of oxygen to the skin.
Cut down your alcohol consumption. When you drink alcohol, your body and skin can become dehydrated, leaving the skin looking older and tired.
Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water.
Follow a skin care routine to nourish and treat your skin. Ask your skin care professional what products would be best suited to protect and improve your skin. Cleanse morning and night. Exfoliate. Use a mask, eye cream and skin appropriate moisturiser.